Pretty lights and what’s important
I realised this week that my version of the Microsoft Surface Pro would not allow me to edit video as fast as I need for my tour. Two or three video assets in Adobe Premier and the Surface lags to the point of unusable without the necessary graphics card. When I am on the road for the tour, I need to get my video workflow down to between one to two hours to import, edit, and publish if I am to keep an ongoing conversation about my progress.
I am wearing many hats on the tour: building a software platform to measure impact, capturing data as a PhD researcher, promoting entrepreneurs through the various roles for local and state governments. The one hat that is the biggest learning curve at the moment is that of a videographer.
I have weighed up my options for video editing, and considered sticking with the iPhone and HD which could do an OK job. The decision to go up a level in quality is based on wanting to leave assets with the regions to highlight what they are doing and so we can have options in the future as to what we do with the footage. A decision for lower quality now means we don’t have the option in the future. With my current skill set I do not expect to take full advantage of the higher quality but by the time the tour is complete I should be a bit more proficient to make the most of it.
So I went out and picked up a new laptop just for video editing. This then meant a few hours of set up, download, and installs as is the way with any new tech these days. It does have a pretty keyboard to keep me occupied, however.
The tour is a few weeks away. I am waiting on final ethics approval from the university, which may throw a spanner in the works, but I will find a way around that and early October is the plan. Worse case, I go back to a few locations following ethics approval.
There is much that needs to be done before I hit the road. It is easy to get wrapped up in non-stop work. Capturing data, developing the software, refining my methodology, securing support, confirming schedules, and closing out current engagements.

I MC’ed the launch of Innov8 Logan this past week where entrepreneur Steve Baxter shared about his journey to where he is now. One of the questions from the audience was from an entrepreneur who asked about how to maintain emotional resilience and mental health. Steve’s response was authentic, in that he said he did not get it right early on. He emphasised the need to focus on what is important, and a key part of that is personal relationships and personal health.
It is a common narrative from entrepreneurs on the other side. Extraordinary outcomes require extraordinary effort and many entrepreneurs share about their success with elements of regret from the impact on personal relationships. Having given it all myself for a few companies in the past, I have had the experience of 100 hour weeks for months at a time but without the payout at the end. I am now preparing for another run at it, leading into the tour.
I shared a sunset and champagne with Areta by the river on out property tonight. As a natural contrast to the flashing lights on the new computer, the kookaburras called out to remind me, and perhaps all of us, what is important.